May 27, 2006

Wenger showers praise on Pires

Yesterday it was conformed that Pires has left Arsenal to join Villareal on a two years contract. The loss of Pires is a big one. And the Manager knows it.

Wenger knows the magnitude and class of
Pires very well and has paid tributes to Bobby when he says: "He had class, humility and was always available to help people."

At the end of the day [his leaving] was not down to money and it was not down to the length of the contract. Robert is a guy who loves to play. You can practice two, three four or five hours and it is never enough for him. He felt that he would play less. I think it was that which convinced him to go."

For me the moment that summed up Robert was at the end of the season of 2002 when he came on the pitch [on crutches] and the whole team kneeled down for him.

That tells you a lot about what people thought about him as a player and a person."

Best of Luck, Bobby!! :)

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